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What is Gibb's Phase rule ?
Large and heavy castings are made by ?
The packing of data and functions into a single unit in a program is known as ?
What is an isomorphous system ? Give an example.
What is peritectic reaction ?
State the Griffith criterion for crack propagation in brittle solid.
What do you mean by ‘Biosphere Cycle’?
What do you understand by the term 'Global Warming'?
What factors contribute to ecological imbalance?
What do you mean by 'Scientific Management'?
'Technology adaptation depends upon a number of factors.' Comment.
What is multiplexing? Distinguish between frequency division and time division multiplexing.
What is Modem? Describe its role in Data Communication.
What are different types of file organisations used in contemporary file systems in modern-day operating system? Explain with examples.
What is meant by memory hierarchy? Is it possible to have a computer system without any secondary storage? Explain your answer.