What do you understand by the term 'Global Warming'?

Global Warming

Rise in the temperature of globe (earth) is called global warming. The average global temperature reached 15.39 degree Celsius in 1995 breaking the previous records. Coming of every year will be the hottest. For example, Visakhapatnam recorded a day temperature of 39.6 degree, the highest in the last 100 years on July, 1977. More or less, same is the case with almost all coastel cities of Andhra Pradesh. Global Warming is being felt due to the specific characteristics of the greenhouse gases (GHE). Greenhouse gases are three:

(i) Carbon dioxide CO2
(ii) Water vapour H2O
(iii) Ozone O3

Out of these three gases, only carbon dioxide contributes largely to the greenhouse effect in the earth's atmosphere, because carbon dioxide is much more uniformly distributed in atmosphere. The major supplies of carbon dioxide gas to the atmosphere are:

(i) Eruption of volcanoes
(ii) Respiration of living organisms
(iii) Decay of dead organisms
(iv) Burning of fossil fuels
(v) Cultivation of land.

Contribution to global warming is 24% by industrial processes; 14% by deforestation; 13% by agriculture and 49% by energy use.

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